[BigQuery]Chatper 1. What is Google BigQuery

Chatper 1. What is Google BigQuery

Data Processing Architectures

  • serverless, highly scalable data wareshouse (query engine이 built-in)

BigQuery : A Serverless, Distributed SQL Engine

  • BigQuery is serverless
  • Can run queries without the need to manage infrastructure
  • Scalability is possible because the service distributes the query processing among thousands of workers almost instantaneously

Working with BigQuery

  • BigQuery is datawarehouse, implying a degree of centralization and ubiquity
  • The benefits of BigQuery
    • when we do joins of datasets from completely differenct sources (조인할때)
    • when we query against data that is sotred outside BigQuery(Federation Query)
  • The serverless nature of BQ provides the technological means to break down department silos and streamline collaboration
    • 부서간 사일로 : 부서 이기주의
    • 협업 최소화

